At times you need to add or edit many products or raise your pricing. To make these changes you can go to each product and update it, or you can use the Bulk Edit or Bulk Add feature found on your Manage My Products page.
On your Manage My Products page you will see two buttons for Export and Import. Select the Export button to download all your products.
**Note - each product must have a unique SKU and a unique name. The system will not allow you to export your store if you are missing a SKU or they are not all unique. (different)
Once you download the csv file open it in Excel and update any columns as needed, save as a csv file.
**Note the columns that required to be filled in have an asterisk in the column name.
To upload choose Import button and select Add Products, choose the csv file if adding new products and select Update Products if updating pricing etc. and the import. **At this time, we do not have a bulk image upload.
**Note- Do not make any changes to headers or format of the spreadsheet. If you make changes to the format of the spreadsheet, it will not import.
Please understand that any changes you make to the exported spreadsheet will affect your store. IndieMe assumes no responsibility if any errors are made. Be sure you make a copy of the original export file and then save that just in case you need to revert to a previous version.
Have an Etsy or Shopify generated CSV file? Great! We can accommodate that file as well. Select Import, then select the appropriate import option and submit. Your upload will begin immediately and will be completed within a few minutes (time varies based on file size and you may need to refresh the screen to see all images). Please note these are one-way syncs and any updates you make to products on IndieMe will not be reflected on Etsy or Shopify. Any updates you wish to make to your products must be completed on the IndieMe site.
IMPORTANT! After updating prices via bulk edit you must select the button that says Update Prices in Carts/Wishlists. If you fail to do this, the updates will not be made to any item in a buyer's cart. When updating individual product prices simply click on the button at the top of that product page Updates Prices in Carts/Wishlists.
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